Definition & Structure

Analysis & Planning

Solutions & Findings


Cleaner Production Assessment (CPA):

As manufacturing industries, commercial companies, and service providers aim at making the circular economy model part of their core business strategies, there is also the need to ensure that they do so with best practices and methods.
At CECP Hub, we provide technical support services in carrying out Cleaner Production Assessments (CPAs) for our clients in identifying areas of inefficient resource consumption such as materials, water, and energy within their (manufacturing) process flows; how to recover and reuse “waste” as resources to manufacture new products and services.

We go further in providing expert advisory service in identifying and choosing the best alternative options for material balance, water usage, energy efficiency, and reducing the quantity and toxicity of emissions at source points along with the production processes. We also provide techno-economic advice on the best, innovative, and eco-friendly technologies from trusted suppliers.